Exams are not compulsory but we do encourage parents to have their child’s progress recognised through the RAD examination board. Preparing for exams instils a sense of purpose, setting goals to work towards and ultimately being rewarded with a certificate in that grade.
RAD Examinations give students a great sense of achievement. Students that wish to be entered for examination must have reached the required standard by the end of the term preceding the examination term. From Grade 3 upwards students must be attending 2 or more classes a week in order to partake in the RAD Ballet Examinations.
CLASS AWARDS (Pre-Primary in Dance to Grade 5 and discovering repertoire) – Class Award syllabus, consisting of a selection of exercises and one dance, led by the teacher giving a broad indication of standard rather than a detailed breakdown.
GRADED EXAMS (Primary to GRADE 8) – Candidates perform the exam syllabus as per the exam criteria.
SOLO PERFORMANCE AWARDS (GRADES 1-5) – Consist of 3 solo dances, at least 2 from exam syllabus as per award criteria.
VCM is a standing Panel of Subject Advisors and a Board of Examiners.
The College exists to encourage performers and support teachers. Its administrators, consultants and examiners all have experience as candidates and as teachers.
Many examiners are teachers themselves. The college is constituted unlike other boards so that examiners have an empathy for exam candidates and can support teachers.